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You Will Need This Intelligence Data To Stay Alert & Survive!
What You Need To Know About Your Protective Mask!
Protective MaskFrom Chemical/Biological Warfare, Fourth Edition
Protective equipment such as a "gas" mask, clothing, and an air tight shelter, or your room, sealed with tape—though this can present problems of fresh air if an attack is prolonged, will give considerable protection, provided you have a chance to don your gear. Also, knowledge of is as important.
Because you have these things does not safeguard you against a chemical/biological attack. It better predisposes you than most during such an attack. If you don't know the signs and symptoms that a chemical/biological attack may have taken place; is in progress; or due to inadequate warning and detection equipment, your protective measures will then be lacking. The same is true with decontamination teams. But, not so, If you know The Signs of The Times. Reread Your Protective Suit For The Signs That Something Is Going Down! Time is crucial when an attack has taken place. With some nerve agents, remember, you have only one minute for decontamination.
We also suggest, if you find this material for CW too onerous, or you don't want to have to do the things suggested in this book for chemical warfare, then search out and get a "Chemical Detection And Decon (decontamination) Kit," if possible. This is the simplest way to gain some protection. The kits do not protect against microbials. For this, re–read the material in this book and apply it.
Your first line of defense, be it chemical/bacteriological attack, or both, would be to mask first (UN Report; ¶s 90, 91), and if you have an outer–wear Protective Suit—you would slip into that second. Of course, this demands that you have these things in advance, as well as your items for decontamination. Knowledge and practice defuse much panic and confusion.
The "gas" mask now is known as a protective mask because you must not only protect against gases, but biologicals too. But old usage dies hard. The masks do not protect against fire and smoke inhalation. It does not filter carbon dioxide out of the air, nor provide a fresh source of air.
If you are exposed to biologicals, their incubation period will not give you any warning and by the time you see the ‘sick and dying' around you or your city and you have not become sick; then, start on antibiotics. Also include Colloidal Silver, several ounces daily (1 ounce = 2 tablespoons) long before you see, hear of others coming down sick. We also suggest to don the Protective Mask, as the enemy may have included Chemical WarFare Agents in their dispersals. Do not take antibiotics nor give them to a family member if well– established or advanced symptoms are present.
Possible Signs and Symptoms of a Chemical/Biological Attack
- A cloud, mist, smoke, or suspicious smell being sprayed by low–flying craft, vehicles, or people, without any apparent reason.
- A large number of animals or people becoming sick and overloading the medical facilities.
- Unexpected symptoms developing rather rapidly, such as a runny nose, disturbed vision, tightness in the chest and choking (these signs suggest a chemical attack).
Know This:
The physiological signs of a chemical attack occur because at low doses, a runny nose often begins, the pupil of the eye contracts, causing difficulty in accommodation—the pupil can't change for different distances. In addition to involuntary muscles being affected, the skeletal muscles experience weakness and the heart, fibrillation. The muscles of the respiratory tract become paralysed. The involuntary muscles are so affected by the neural transmissions that these muscles no longer function normally, and heart failure is a strong possibility. Death most often results from suffocation.
The first protective mask was worn in the trenches of WW I on the Western Front. On April 22, 1915, near Ypres, Belgium close to the Canadian side, 5000 cylinders of chlorine were opened and crossed to the Allied trenches. This caused almost immediately some 15,000 casualties and broke a gap two miles wide in the Canadian ranks. The attack was extremely effective. Protection against this new type of attack had to be established.
The first chemical mask was a crude piece of waste cloth that, upon the alarm being sounded, the soldiers dunked in pails of "hypo," sodium thiosulfate (a photographic chemical that removes chlorine and an antidote for cyanide poisoning) stationed periodically at places in the trenches, and tied it over their mouths and noses. It was fairly effective. You can do similarly if you have nothing else. Simply dip a piece of cloth into a solution of perborate and tie it around your mouth and nose. This would provide some protection against nerve agents and help filter out some biologicals. This would be your immediate resort in an emergency. Have perborate, washing soda, and borax at the ready for the attacks coming to America and elsewhere throughout the globe!
More appropriate for biologicals, you can choose a surgical half–mask that meets the federal standard of N95, which will filter out 95% of the germs you would inhale. Get this either online or from a medical supply house. Store some in your vehicles, at home, and in your desk drawer at work. They are small enough to carry on your person at all times, if needed.
However, these masks, including the standard surgical masks for the face, will not trap viruses. They reassure you psychologically of protection against all germs. You want to create barrier protection against microbes in a "hot zone," but be advised that viruses can penetrate standard surgical and the rigid–style face masks.
Smallpox and measles reach vital organs of the human body by way of circulating blood. In the tissues lining the lungs, the viruses multiply, and infected people cough or sneeze
them out to spread the infection. A sneeze contains at least 4600 droplets of saliva and mucous ejected from the respiratory tract; they are scattered at a velocity of 152 feet per second. Scientists further believe that the droplets will float for 30 minutes in the air and may contain over 35 million viruses. You can see the outcome if someone has plague, smallpox, influenza or an "emerging" virus that is transmitted by aerosolization.
We suggest one get The Protective Mask (Mask) and Have It with you wherever you go as world tensions increase! Also, have on hand, a Moldex Mask, .
We prefer a regulation "gas" mask. By practicing getting in and out of the mask and protective gear, you build and enhance a sense of security by having some understanding of chemical/biological agents, and how to combat them. We prefer the Israeli Simplex NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) masks. This is the Israeli government issue to its people during the Gulf War.
There are many different types of agents that can be used. Some of the chemical ones are nerve agents, blister agents—also known as vesicants, choking agents, blood agents, toxins, tear and harassing gasses, and psycho–chemicals. There are phyto–chemicals, the herbicides (defoliants). In the biological realm, an attack could use bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, and rickettsiae, to name a few.
Your first line of defense for all chemical and bacteriological agents is to have a protective mask! They are known as such now because they are not just for gasses anymore. The units differ in design and appearance. They all have certain features in common: a fitted facepiece, made of a soft material to achieve an effective seal on your face, but impermeable and impenetrable enough to give a number of minutes of protection against the most penetrable of agents, especially mustard agents (mustard gas and lewisite). The latter is more deadly than mustard; more rapidly absorbed into the skin; and similar in chemical preparation. In general mustard gas is a liquid, dispersed as an aerosol. It's heavier than air. This makes it a clinging gas, and as such, it may linger in low–lying areas for weeks. Just having it touch the skin can cause severe blisters.
For lewisite decontamination, undress immediately, splash liberally with household hydrogen peroxide, . You may also use lye (a few flakes dissolved in water) in glycerine. If you learn how to make your own lye soap, it will naturally contain glycerine. Industry soaps have removed the glycerine and sell it separately, or they make the soap with fatty acids that do not contain the glycerol. But, if you make your own, or buy it from "back to basics" soap makers, then you have the added benefit of it being automatically combined within the soap. Glycerine is soothing to the skin and moisturizes at the same time.
You can also use kerosene, , to wash off the lewisite, as with the mustard agent. After using kerosene, lye in glycerine, or hydrogen peroxide, then bathe with plenty of hot sudsy water—wash especially the "hairy" areas. Rinse, also, the eyes and nose with a baking soda solution. Get rest and try to see a knowledgeable physician in this area of health management. The lewisite is fatal in 10 minutes! You must be quick and know what to do, and do it. If you can get the British anti–Lewisite ‘BAL' product, 2,3–dimercaptopropanol (chelating agent for arsenic), the Lewisite effect can be prevented also by quick deployment of BAL. It reacts with Lewisite, forming a non–toxic, stable, cyclic product.
Lewisite, the poison gas, was first developed by W. Lee Lewis, an American chemist, in 1917. It has the poisonous qualities of arsenical compounds combined with the blistering effects of mustard gas. It is worse than mustard, but was never used by the allies during WWI, because as it was being shipped to France, the war ended with the signing of the Armistice. Where did it go? Dumped into the deepest parts of the ocean enroute. At that time, it was the only way to get rid of it. We wonder if it has ever leaked and caused ecological problems and mutations (mistakes in genetic copying). As man developed worse weapons, they often got dumped in the oceans as a big sink, when they no longer needed them! Perhaps that is why the Earth is so toxic now!
Mustard gas possesses the greatest penetrative ability against protective masks of any of the chemical arsenal comprised to date. And as such, it is used in tests for the ability of various masks to withstand such an onslaught. The better rubber masks withstand mustard agents for 50 minutes. This is the standard by which other masks are judged. Some masks (silicone rubber) give only 4 minutes of protection from mustard under heavy, constant use. Others, the polyurethanes, provide protection for 8 hours.
But beware, they absorb most of the mustard agent and then give off the gas (out–gassing) that would be like having a second attack and not being aware of it. This is why we also spoke of detoxing your equipment after an attack. Do so carefully and thoroughly in open air. The best material found to withstand mustard gave near to 7 days of protection. It was a perfluorocarbon rubber such as Flurel and Viton. However, they are expensive and hard to manufacture such that they will contour to the human face. Butyl rubber can give you at least two days of protection against mustard agents before penetration occurs. We have opted for this, as it is flexible, can be stored in a folded manner for months, and resists tearing, shredding, and rotting. They will last for many months before deterioration sets in.
Most masks tend to be made of rubber or some closely related substance to butyl rubber, because of its moldability to a clean–shaven face, forming an effective seal. There are masks advertised by some companies claiming that theirs gives an air tight seal even with a beard. This may be so, but when my life and future health depends on a tight, sealing face mask, I opted for a clean–shaven face.
Another feature necessary for a mask is that it have some means of holding it to the face in place via a headstrap made of sturdy material. The mask will also have a filter that absorbs nuclear, biological, and chemical particulates. Generally, they have activated charcoal in the filter systems. Some units have a means for taking in fluids in the field while masked; or, resuscitation without unmasking the individual. Civil defense masks are usually not as elaborate as military masks. There are also gas protectors for children and infants.
A common complaint about wearing a full protective suit and mask is heat stress. Being in good physical/mental shape and just knowing this fact facilitates your survival if you have to wear it for some length of time in the heat. Your attitude towards these events, having to mask; then suit–up, can make or break you in an emergency. Start thinking on these things now and practice mentally on getting into your protective gear as well as physically doing it. This will prepare your mind set for a positive outcome.
Seldom written about is the abdominal distress you will experience if you have to wear a protective mask for some length of time. You will end up with sore, aching abdominal muscles. You literally are forcefully sucking through the mask, not the normal breathing you are used to. This can be circumvented somewhat by being in good physical shape and doing regular stomach exercises.
As your filter becomes clogged during a NBC attack, it will pass less air. This is your signal that the filter is being "used up." Therefore, use a gauze sponge, the kind you get at pharmacies by Johnson & Johnson. Tape one over your filter when an alert is sounded and you can add longer "useability" to your filter. This pre–filter(s) should be stored with your protective gear. The used filter will contain chemical/biological agents that are active. Dispose of them by the decontamination methods we listed earlier for vehicles and machinery; that is—decontaminate them using the UDS, given in 'The Protective Mask'. This is where your caustic soda, "lye," will come in handy. Or, take them to a Civil Defense or possibly an Emergency Management Center set up for such things, if one is set one up in your area, and they know what they are doing—don't count on it. Remember, confusion will be rampant. You need to know what to do and do it.
However, the CDC is being quietly phased out and in its place, a new team of the Army and the National Guard will handle the assessment procedures of what has occurred, what to do and how to do it. Gary North, writing in The Remnant Review, Vol. 25, No. 4, April 3, 1998, contends this is subterfuge for more control by the government. Still, the U.S. News & World Report, April 27, 1998, points out:
"With the White House asking Congress for a record $6.7 Billion to fight terrorism, turf wars are escalating across Washington. FBI officials are angry at the Secret Service, which is making a bid to oversee security at Olympic Games and other special events.
"The Army Reserve is angry with the National Guard for ignoring Army resources in planning how to respond to a bio-chemical attack in the United States. And the National Security Council (NSC), which proposes to create its own terrorism czar, is drawing fire from Justice and the Pentagon for what officials at both departments see as an NSC power grab.
"As agencies begin lobbying appropriations committees, the battles are bound to intensify. But the bureaucrats may have little to fear from a Congress anxious to show that it's tough on terrorists. ‘If the program has terrorism in the title,' complains one insider, ‘it will get funded.'"
With this power struggle between the Army and National Guard, and everybody mad at everybody in the government, you had better learn what to do for yourself if such an attack comes down the pike! And that is what this book is about. The citizenry will be the losers if they don't get together. Know what to do...when to do it...and how to do it.
Defective Masks
To make matters worse, if you have a M40/42 series protective mask, the chances are it is defective. This has been known since 1994. The Pentagon says that more than half of the all masks it tested for chemical and biological warfare flunked the inspector general report. The report was completed in November 1999, and make public before congressional hearings June 21, 2000. Lives are at risk, the DoD said. Out of 19,218 masks inspected, more than half have critical defects, such as dirty and leaky valve outlets; the drinking tube leaks, and the voicemitter or voice box gaskets are missing. This all means chemical, nuclear, and biological particles can reach the face of the wearer, with dire results.
The M40/42 series is worn by the Army and the Marine Corps. The MCU–2P is used by the Navy, and the Air Force uses the MCU–2/AP. The Marine Corps had less problems with the mask than the other branches of the service. It should serve as a model for other branches of the military for procedures of inspection and care and maintenance of such masks, said Rep. Christopher Shays, R–Conn., House member on the Committee on Government Reform. He saw the classified report in 1995 and asked for refutation or verification of the findings.
Not only were defects in manufacturing a problem for the masks, but the troops demonstrated poor maintenance of them, plus flaws failed to be found by inspection procedures.
Shay pointed out that the vaccine guards against just one item, yet military personnel who refuse the anthrax vaccine are kicked out of the service with a less–than–honorable discharge. But the protective mask protects against nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare and has been defective since 1994, and this information has been suppressed by top defense officials. This is a nonsequitur. Something does not follow. But defense officials say, "Trust us."
Defense officials claim, however, that poor cleaning and maintenance by the troops were the cause for 95% of the masks failing inspection. It was not because of manufacturing defects, which accounted for only 5%. the protective mask were used as pillows or cushions, resulting in permanent damage to the mask. They did not clean the corroded and dirty valves that would possibly let microbials, toxins, or other unwanted substances in, Pentagon officials said. In most cases, the drinking tubes had simply been torn off the mask, which would allow a breach in the mask's integrity.
The main problem, according to the Pentagon's inspector general report, is careless maintenance by the troops. Its chief finding is that the military command chain simply does not take chemical and biological warfare serious enough to assure that personnel are prepared in this area.
Take the above into consideration, take care of Your Protective Mask! Supervise your children or grandchildren wearing them, when in your custody.
Author's Note:
"Experts" are saying, and are mimicked by radio and TV hosts, that protective (gas) masks are not needed for bacteriological (biological) agents. The reason, they say, is because you won't know an attack has occurred until several days later, which is too late for the mask. This is one of those things that sounds reasonable, until it is thought out. This was done over thirty years ago by a distinguished panel of fourteen consultant experts from around the world under the auspices of the United Nations "…in accordance with resolution 2454 A (XXIII)…) and was submitted to the "…Eighteen–Nation Committee on Disarmament, to the Security Council and to the General Assembly at its twenty–fourth session."—A United Nations Report; No. E. 69. I. 24., ¶14.
Their conclusions: "The primary objective is to establish a physical barrier between the body and the chemical and bacteriological (biological) agents and, especially, to protect the skin and the respiratory tract [recall portals of entry: eyes, nose, mouth, and skin]. Without this, no warning system, however effective, has the slightest value. Protection could be achieved by using various types of individual protective equipment or by means of communal shelters."—ibid. ¶90.
What this report is saying is that if war is on and/or attacks are expected, you might be wise to maintain a protective barrier and either wear your mask or have it beside you at "the ready". It is true that if times are normal and an attack occurs, you might not even realize it until days later, when people around you sicken and die. So, as we have been urging, you must pay attention to The Signs Of The Times, and have your Mask at your side.
The distinguished report continues by saying in paragraph 91, "Protective masks are the first line of defense against all chemical and bacteriological (biological) agents," and in paragraph 92, "A protective mask, properly fitted and in good working condition, will provide complete respiratory protection against all known chemical and bacteriological (biological) agents."
With the anthrax scare of October, 2001, Americans have been told they don't need protective masks. Then, the people are no better off than the military with their number of defective masks. Your mask may not fit correctly, leak, be in a state of deterioration, or the canisters that trap particulates may be bad. You want to examine your mask regularly; be well–practiced in putting your mask on and taking it off. When you "clear" it, if it does not fit properly and you can suck air in through the seams or where it fits on your face, there is something you can do to help correct that problem if you can't get another mask.
You can do what many paint and body shops do with their rigid style masks to seal against dust and other particulate contamination from seeping in from a poor fit. Coat the outer edge of the inside perimeter of the protective mask with a generous layer of Vaseline. This will form a tight connection between your skin and face and seals out chemical and biological warfare agents.
Furthermore, if you discover your mask is rotting or deteriorating in areas, coat that location generously with the petroleum jelly, until you can secure a newer one.
…and Since September 11, 2001
If you live near a chemical plant, then you should be advised that Mohammad Atta, one of the chief hijackers involved in the World Trade Center attacks, according to The Washington Post in its December 16 issue, had looked into striking a storage facility in Tennessee containing 250 tons of deadly sulfur dioxide (SO2; see p. 173). American forces in Afghanistan found elaborate plans for such attacks throughout America.
If this speaks to you and you live within 10 to 12 miles of a chemical plant, then be prepared to leave the area within minutes. This entails having at least a week's supply of food, water, and medications. Throw all this into your car and hightail it out of there. Oh…have a gas mask too, and a protective suit! What if you can't get away? The mask and suit will save your life.
Domestic Uses For A Protective Mask
We know that refineries and petrochemical plants have been placed on high alert for terrorism incidents, not to mention the usual accidents.
However, if you happen to live near one of these plants, you may wish to protect yourself. If a terrorist attack or an accident were to occur at a chemical plant or a refinery, assuming you live beyond the area of physical destruction from an explosion, what you have to worry about is a toxic cloud of chemicals such as ammonia, or sulfur dioxide gas, or chlorine gas. Also, the refineries exploding and emitting toxic fumes throughout a large area.
This is also a problem if you live near a railway where derailments, whether accidental or terrorist–caused, can occur, or near a major highway where tanker trucks carrying toxic chemicals can overturn, forming toxic clouds.
For instance, in Houston, Texas, on January 17, 2002, a cloud of deadly chlorine gas was released when a tanker car derailed, and an entire neighborhood had to be evacuated in the middle of the night. People were told to stay in their homes, seal the doors and windows, and turn off their heating and air conditioning systems. In effect they were told to turn their houses into safe rooms.
In Minot, North Dakota on January 18, 2002, a train derailed and sent a cloud of anhydrous ammonia gas over the area, killing one person and hospitalizing 13 people.
Authorities these days, more afraid of creating fear than of losing citizens, tell you not to buy protective masks (gas masks).
Recall, that even as far back as 30 years ago, experts knew that your first line of defense against chemical or biological warfare agents was a barrier to protect the nose and mouth from entry of dangerous agents, a protective mask.
But here in America, it appears, we are more interested in preventing fear and promoting good feelings rather than preventing death and promoting survival.
Plus, it costs a lot to build public shelters and provide citizens with masks—money that can be better spent in fumigating congressional office buildings. Fourteen million dollars was spent to clean congressional offices from the October, 2001, anthrax scares. But out of this amount, 13.4 million went for just fumigating the Hart Senate Office Building. Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa is demanding an explanation and accounting of these expenditures.
In a letter to Christie Whitman, head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Senator Grassley expressed his concerns about the "fiscal integrity of this operation," and pointed out that in a situation of this size, "…there can be a tendency to run up the tab."
Your authors feel the government could make available for a few dollars over cost, protective masks with extra canisters, and the availability for more as need presents itself. This would add to the U.S. Treasury. Why don't they do it?
…And More
There are chemical exposures related to transportation which occur almost daily in the United States. Regardless of the means of hauling (rail, highway, and water) hazardous chemicals, if an accident or spill occurs, risks spreading to fire fighters, police, and the general public. Here are four events of this type.
(1) In April of 1996, a train derailment dumped tanker carloads of chlorine and phenolic acid (potassium cresylate) near Alberton, Montana. A green cloud of poisonous chlorine gas formed on site that burned the lungs of living beings such as people, dogs, and horses, and even scorched the needles of pine trees. Chemical reactions at the site formed polychlorinated phenols that lingered for more than two months, rendering the town of Alberton uninhabitable until the toxic chemicals dissipated.
(2) In 1992, metham sodium, a soil fumigant and pesticide, was spilled above the Shasta River above Dunsmuir, California. The chemical poisoned cleanup workers and people living nearby, and "sterilized" the Shasta River, meaning no life forms remained alive in the toxic water.
(3) In 1987, a train derailment near Austin, Texas caused 3 tank cars, carrying butyl alcohol and vinyl chloride, to burst into flame.
Five thousand residents had to be evacuated.
(4) In 1982, 43 railroad cars derailed near Livingston, Louisiana in a spectacular wreck that served as a ghastly example of how
chemicals carried on trains can be unexpectedly mixed during a wreck to form even more explosive and potentially dangerous compounds. Some of these particular tankers carried phosphoric acid, perchloroethylene, and hydrofluorsilicic acid, which spilled in the wreck. Others carried vinyl chloride monomer, styrene monomer, plastic pellets, and lubricating oil, which burned. Another car that contained tetraethyl lead exploded. Others that contained toluene diisocyanate and sodium hydroxide leaked, adding to the chemical mix. This particular train derailment provides a chilling example of how chemicals with the potential to combine, explode, and incinerate may be sharing the same train. Worse, the neighbors, cleanup truck drivers, and emergency response team members experienced central nervous system problems and multiple-organ system disorders and death.
In the 1996, Alberton, Montana, derailment, four people who happened to be driving through on the interstate highway near the town when the accident occurred, at 4:15 A.M. on April 11, landed in intensive care with pulmonary edema. Most of the 500 residents of the town managed to escape to nearby towns when they first noticed the acrid odor, but respiratory problems, memory problems, and other complaints lingered. The future possibility of major central nervous system disorders and cancer remains.
These accidents occur just about daily in the United States, and the central nervous system, CNS, (the brain and spinal cord) are the most sensitive organs in the body to chemical exposure—especially the brain. Even mild chemical exposure can result in memory problems and cognitive dysfunction, which involves problem–solving. Additionally, anything that affects the CNS may result in action upon other organs, including the liver, lungs, bone marrow, and kidneys. The immune system may be effected also.
Many towns these days are located near railroad tracks or interstate highways. If you awaken in the pre–dawn hours to the news of a chemical spill, are you prepared to hold your breath for the ten minutes or so that it takes you to dress, get to your car, and drive beyond the reach of the toxic chemical cloud?
You don't have to if you own a protective mask
Get a Protective Mask. It may come in handy if a toxic cloud of domestic origin drifts over your neck of the woods.
Our conclusion: Your first line of defense is a physical barrier. Go with the Mask...And Don't Forget The Protective Suit!.
Watch This & Do Accordingly
Nuclear/Biological/Chemical WarFare Protective Mask
We Definitely Suggest This: Military Chemical Hood
Master These Books Immediately Above!
Everything Will Come Suddenly Without Warning!
These Are In Our Future:
... To Be Continued ...
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In An UpComing Issue: Something You Need To Know For What's Coming
Kong Sez:
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